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Old 11.18.2008, 07:34 AM   #3405
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Nefeli
ah right! you had your good friend's birthday. happy birthday to her. its very sweet that you wrote her a letter. people dont do that anymore..
i used to write on the whole space on bday cards to my friends, but havent done this since 1994. hehe recently we read letters that me and a friend who were both in the uk, had sent to our best friend. it was weird and very funny.

do you have to be somewhere today? i mean, can you stay in and go through the hangover?

haha, yeah, letters are kinda forgotten these days, which is sad I think.
we both write us at least letters to everyones birthdays, we both dig that.
and I putted the coolest pic of a horse I ever got into it. its really old, and the head of the horse is shot from the front, like a portrait shot of a human. and the look of it, its awesome.

I am back now. I had to be early in the morning at the company who will sponsor our next animation project, presenting our thing. looking like...yes, party all night, hahaha.