12-13=Classic rock-Zeppelin, Doors, Floyd
13-15=Big 3 Punk bands (Pistols, Ramones, Clash), more Doors, Mars Volta, At The Drive-in
...then in late October/early November of my sophomore year of High School I bought Daydream Nation, cue SY, Pixies, My Bloody Valentine
15-18=SY, Pixies, My Bloody Valentine, with some post-punk and goth
18-about 3 months ago=lots of SY and shoegaze with a good smattering of indie rock
3 months ago-present=loads of Bauhaus, The Cure, Skinny Puppy and the resurgence of Punk of all kinds. Hardcore, Horror, Post-Hardcore, Straght-edge, you name it.
"One: Where's the fife? and Two: Gimme the fife."