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Old 11.13.2008, 04:42 PM   #3264
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
yes it really is especially if you are interested in a new approach of gaming (without forgetting about the past)

I cant stretch this enough, if I had to decide whcih game is the best Ive ever played, the answer would be killer7, and I am playing videogames since I am a kid and I really love them, and I played a lot of really really good games, like snacther or something, but in a way killer7 is just overwhelmingly good. while I played it there was a constant smile on my face how genius this whole game is.
and flower sun and rain, lets you know where suda51 started which peaked in killer7 in everything. its one of those game where you could pause randomly and it would always look stunning the visuals are awesome too.
ok I stop now I could go on forever, just play them there a fuckin worth it