Originally Posted by al shabbray
no problem. when somebody asking me what titles he should have played my standard answer is: just play one "killer7" its fucking interactive art, not more or less. not in that academic way...more in a experimental way, graphics, story script, gameplay everthings upside down and fresh in killer7, at the same time it got the most complex plot Ive ever expereinced I have a read books about 200 sites after Ive played it and there are still a lot of things which are discuss worthy.
FSR is slightly more newbie friendly but I as far as I can tell after 1 hour it got a lot of that great elements, too. which freaks me out a little bit in a very good way!!!!
best site regarding suda51 games:
http://www. killer7.3dactionplanet.gamespy.com
its kinda confusing at first, but thats the whole theme 
i still have to play killer7...