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Old 11.04.2008, 06:55 AM   #1
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Now that the All Tomorrow's Parties hangover has run its course, we've been psyched to offer some auditory highlights from the first-ever East Coast installment of the festival...
German supergroup Harmonia = the pioneering ambient-electronic duo Cluster (Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius) + Michael Rother (of Krautrock legends NEU!). The group began in 1973, and originally called it quits after their 1976 album Tracks and Traces, which featured Brian Eno. But the original Harmonia lineup reunited last year, and put on an amazing show at September's All Tomorrow's Parties festival in Monticello, NY. The set was a universal highlight among many festival goers and fmu listeners -- hear it for yourself here:
Harmonia - Live at ATP NY
part 1 (mp3)
part 2 (mp3)
Keep an eye on the Free Music Archive pre-launch blog for more hi-fi ATP audio, and be sure to check out Doron's ATP recap for a great wfmu-family slideshow. photo credit: relaxing.