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Old 10.31.2008, 07:04 AM   #2853
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Nefeli
well yes, exactly that. she might end up having some good times.
your costume solution sounds great to me.
i think, you should both try and go..and if its not good, you ll have your drinks, chat there and then leave!

i want to find a fake gas mask. last year i was looking - i found real one, but it was way to expensive and i wouldnt be able to last in it more than 33 seconds.

melly, you should dress up tonight. you ll have more fun that way. you know it!

yeah gas masks are great looking. a friend of mine still got one, the problem is the breathing, but when you put out the ABC filter you can breathe like normal wearing these, but its still pretty hot