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Old 10.31.2008, 07:03 AM   #2852
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
I too have a cold, but no matter, I'm still going out tonight to the big ATP show up here, and will doubtlessly get monged out on cold medication and booze.

Apparently there's a prize for dressing up at said gig, but I'm far too lazy for that.

Mornings to everyone, by the way. Al shab-man - have you not thought of dressing up for as to resemble Andreas Baader - I bet that would scare a few people round your way.

thats pretty tricky, the RAF times are more in the memory of the 40+ generation in germany, the youngsters here know the logo but almost all havent heard about what the RAF was etc.
its like everywhere degenerated youth, hahaha