Hmm. I dunno. Everyone in real life likes me a lot actually. I'm very friendly and open minded and am willing to do anything a person wants.. I enjoy giving to others, and I feel like I'm really there if people need me. At the same time, I'm perhaps too honest. If someone says "Do I look fat?" I go, "Yes." I once called a girl the most selfish person ever -- in the nicest way possible! I've never yelled at anyone really, except my mom... But anyway it hurt her feelings. I guess in that sense, I don't care, because I don't feel sorry for people.. I CARE, but I feel that most people who whine and bitch in life can solve their problems. Most people I know bitch about not having money -- and then they smoke, drink, do drugs, etc. all the fucking time and .. then, again ... bitch about not having money. I feel like people don't appreciate anything I do for them. Not that I want endless praise. But some people in particular don't seem to really ever say even a simple thank you, which means all the world to me. I don't really care what MOST people think of me -- but the people I care about, I care about them at least thanking me for all I do for them! Because I go above and beyond the call of duty for people I care about.
I am a bit distant with people at times, especially my girlfriend. Something about love weirds me out.. KISSING grosses me out... and I do get depressed all the time and I don't know why.
Overall, I know I'm a good person but I also know that I'm a confusing person... it's difficult for most people to figure me out...