Thread: MY HERO
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Old 10.24.2008, 04:51 PM   #1
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schizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's assesschizophrenicroom kicks all y'all's asses
Hey how yu doin eh yeh thats gud enniway enuff of that rite let me tell yu all abowt a REEL modden day supy hero, n thats me gud mayt kiggi HEY KIGGI HOW YU DOIN HA HA nice won, enniways i here yu all askin like HEY GOBLIN HOW CUMS THIS KIGGI DUDE'S SUTCH A HEARO EH well if yu just giv me a chanse i'll fukkin tell yu so stop askin the kweshtions an listen to the anser yeh, he's a hearo becus he put on a cape the other day that he'd glued some bird fethers to n then he jumped off the top of the gnome police station an stared flappin 'is arms abowt like a compleet fukkin knob, enniway DID HE FLY OR WOT THEN GOBLIN hey i've just sed STOP WIV THE KWESHTIONS the trewth is he didn't fly at all, he jujst fell to the floor, but as he fell a gnome policeman caym strollllin owt of the stayshun eetin a jam sandwytch, n me mayt kiggi landed RYTE ON TOP OF 'IM!!!!!!!!!! an it wos bluddy funni too cos the gnome policeman screemed lyke a fukkin baby n he wos all cuvvered in jam or it myte hav been blood i'm not sure, enniway kiggi stole the jam sandwytch an we all ran off pissin owrselves wiv lafter cos IT WOS DED DED CLASSI yeh eh.

i miss vodka goblin.
fuck i'm frustrated, freaking out something fierce, would you help me? i'm hungry and i stuffer and i startle, i struggle and i stammer til i'm up to my ears in miserable quote unquote "art"
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