so while i was in the states i got these cds (half opf the post is quoted from a previous post of mine)
i got:
SCG-youre never a lone with a cigarette
sir richard bishop-poytheistic fragments (definatly his weakest album, but it was cheap and he is my favorite, and his better albums are harder to find)
fuck buttons-street horsing
goslings-spaceheater/perfect interior
charamlabides-joy shapes
james blackshaw-sunshrine
a collection called-masters of old time country autoharp. its really good. i may upload it for those interested. i just have to figure out how to UL. and it might only be in a few days
mission of burma-signals calls and marches
a smithsonian folkways collection of old time music-excellent songs.
cerberus shoal - chaiming thew knobblssone
ennio morricone-my name is nobody (apparently i got a limited edition copy, thatsz recomended by alan bishop in his morricone article on PSF)
fleet foxes
i think thats it