Man, has anyone else encountered this? I've seen 4 computers in the past month get this... it's called av2008/av2009/av_safevirus and some other things. It's some of the most malicious uh malware ever. I'm pretty convinced the Russian dude who made this was a fucking genius. I've been able to save my mom and my grandpa's computer and my own after getting this by downloading malwarebytes anti malware program.
However, I couldn't save my friend's computer... this was the craziest shit I've ever seen.. the most hardcore spyware ever... it went in and copied all kinds of files from your computer and then made them exe files... so, if you pressed alt ctrl del, you'd see all these things called, for example, "run.dll" and if you searched for "run.dll" obviously it'd bring up a lot of things that you actually need. So, you'd have to carefully remove every single one manually and from the registry values that's setting these things to run. But as soon as you did that, it'd create a new one. Actually, it initially disabled the task manager and regedit too but I got those working -- but if you went to control panel, it RESET YOUR COMPUTER; eventually I used the second xp toolbar thing to make it where all those worked and it wouldn't reset without my consent but........
It was the craziest shit I've ever seen, constantly re-downloading things to itself.. new programs, more spyware.. opening up internet explorer pages when internet explorer isn't even on his computer (!)... really insane shit.
The most clever part was it wouldn't let you go to any anti virus websites. The internet still worked but somehow it filtered what you were looking at. Obviously, I got into cached versions of the pages and bypassed it that way but even then the programs I needed to download usually had "spyware" or "antivirus" in the title so it wouldn't let me download those. I downloaded a lot of good stuff on and ran them all and this spyware either closed them immediately or the programs wouldn't open at all.
I dunno, there's more, but it's definitely the scariest fucking thing I've seen online in a while. After fucking with my friend's computer for 8 hours I finally got it working enough to burn a disc with all his important shit on it, then I reformatted xp and everything seems to be working now. But jesusss........