I dunno, Tomahawk just bores the shit out of me. Really lazy songs. There are some really tight rhythms here and there but it just doesn't strike me as anything special. And Patton is the worst part of the band.
Zeropumpkins, what I meant by Zorn ripoff was that the entire Fantomas project resembles Zorn projects... Naked City for the more crazier stuff, Zorn's The Big Gun Down and Film Works series for Director's Cut, and that ambient album (Delirium Cordia) could be any number of Zorn's albums as well (not just because it's ambient but because of certain moments in the recording). I don't think he's an outright copy or steal... I just think he has done a shitty job, um, "reinterpreting" some of Zorn's finer ideas with that band. No biggy. People can listen to and enjoy both, and that's good. I do love Director's Cut, though it's essentially just "part of the actual film score followed by a thrash part" in most songs... still, really good music. The craziesr Fantomas albums suck, especially the one that's a soundtrack to a comic book. Some cool rhythms and stuff here and there but as a whole it's pretty bad. I dunno, I like songs to actually do something I guess instead of display "oh look we can pan a cymbal in one speaker and mike patton going 'cha cha ha!' in the other speaker for 2 minutes." Maybe I'm weird. Or I'm just not impressed easily by that kind of shit. Really, when you have a Melvin and someone from Slayer and Trevor fucking Dunn in your band, you should be writing masterpieces...