So i make a few posts a few days ago and then go back to my studies. And now we have a bunch genetically malfunctioned and brain poisoned mutants reaping chaos upon these passive board fields?
i punch troll in the face. i burn them with fire, i chop them & immolate their matter with acid.
fuck you fuckers.
i chop so chop the choppiest danieal san
i'm the adder to your cobra kai i'm the miagi to your johnny lawrence. you're all 4th maybe third placers against a world that will sting anyone below second. All trolls must retreat back to their caves and revoke their beastly jealousies upon each other with things like clubs of oak and small pebbles. Don't fuck with this board. You have no idea who the fuck you're dealing with. I swallow malcontents and then on the the next i shape my shit into audio blasting e3m1s - you really wanna fuck with ferraris - you'd have better convincing your fuct foreign suburb to invade the vatican and convince the pope to revoke my quad damage.
i'm plus 37 on d20 plus trolls. dual weilding.
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