Trompe Le Monde on new vinyl!
I bought this on CD in 92, then lost it years later. Because I was starting to go through my vinyl phase, I never replaced it, thinking I might find it someday on LP. And waddayaknow--here it is!
Sounds really good, too. I think this is one of their underrated LPs, but it's easily a favorite of mine.
I also saw a new vinyl copy of Bossanova but passed on it because I have a good CD copy, and I wasn't feeling real spendy. Plus the cover art looked real cheesy compared to the CD, very bad reproduction, like they simply enlarged a copy of somebody's CD cover. The art in my CD is much better. For 15 bucks, I expect the LP to look at least as good as the CD copy.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.