Or just post a list of yr top 5 books -
1. R.D. Laing - The Divided Self
Radical schizophrenia politics - a compassionate and bleak intellectualisation of some of humanities worst anxieties.
2. Albert Camus - The Fall
A massive blasphemous drunken rant that you actually wanna hear.
3. Baudrilliard - The System of Objects
Will show you the real reason you had yr dog neutered and why yr record collection means so much to you.
4. Phillip K Dick - Martian Time Slip
I prefer this to Flow my tears and Do Androids - I wanna make a film adaption of this with Jack Nicholson as Arnie Knott.
5. James Joyce - Finnegan's Wake
I swear to fuck - this book contains irish slang that's only emerged in the past couple of years. The only book earth ever needs on Ireland and what a bunch of selfish drunken sex maniacs we all are.