Thread: Caveman rock
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Old 09.20.2008, 03:42 PM   #24
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by amerikangod
I recall reading a Lightning Bolt interview a few years back in which Brian Chippendale expressed something to the effect that he was listening to a lot of 'caveman rock.' I don't believe he went into much further description, or named any bands, but that phrase stuck with me.

Caveman rock. I really want to get into caveman rock, if it's anything like what I imagine it to be.

I picture it being simple, rythmic, loud, and dumb. And I don't mean dumb like a room full of Korn fans dumb, I moreso mean... obtuse. Blunt. The music isn't about ideas, poetic lyrics, or pushing boundaries. It's about beating on a drum, feeling it, and nothing more. I picture some Big Business sounding bass, some David Yow-like vocals.

Does this caveman rock already exist? If so, who are its main purveyors?

And, whether I like it or not, the SNES classic 'Chrono Trigger' has shaped my ideas of what caveman rock should be as well:

The Goslings