no, not a tool, but feel like a fool for not having one...
want a 2008 American Deluxe strat right now actually with the double humbucker and 2 single coils but it's a try and replicate a magical instrument i had in days of yore that Buren Fowler (Drivin' N Cryin') helped me with...fender must've heard about this gtr haa

my custom was just like this only it was canary yellow instead of orange sunburst
thinking about getting a custom Fender Squier "strat" with 2 doubles instead though on the's only 150 at a pawn shop...wood on those is supposed to be only average, but it feels really heavy///looks cool too...forest green with black pickguard///even so, it blows a gibson sg least at holding tune.../..advice? guitars r an addiction