Originally Posted by EMMAh
Well, there are people who's pictures I like to look at more than others. People who's pictures I look forward to seeing. Only I don't "love" these people, even if they are really good looking.
You're right
I personally feel the same way
The people I know in real life > Internet
But you also have to take into consideration that there is a possibility that the internet and real life can collide
And I don't mean collide in a bad way
I mean, I've met Alex (Alex's Trip) and Rob from the board
We had a laugh
They are people I now know "in the real world"
It kind of makes the whole internet thing a bit more "human" and not so mechanical
Wow, where was I going with that?
Basically, it's possible for 2 people to meet on a msg board
They like what they post and what not
I mean, you can get to know someone via the internet
It's no different than actually talking to someone in real life (well, minus the whole you're typing and you can't see them)
Anywho, they both think that the other one is good looking and what not
They meet
It can happen
Personally, I'm not into it
But that can work/has worked for some people