Originally Posted by king_buzzo
haha i'd give you gold for this advice
i can't seem to find a good flea market around here that sells good stuff, whatever i can find is either broken or just about to break.
so, 16 steps in a loop thats 16 notes and you save loads and play them back one after the other? that sounds much easier than the gameboy once you figure out the square system.
i hope i can get 1.3 soon and use it with my gbc and hopefully get a dmg later on.
thanks a lot man 
yep its really as simple as that. plus it sounds like oyu are limited but you are definately not

its capable of all the functions the gameboy soundchip can do! ah yeah by the it got 4 voice channels, and for eac channel there are those 16 steps! but they are running parallel, but you can mute them and so on. its really simple, simple to learn and while learning a lot of fun to see how it works!