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Old 09.06.2008, 11:17 AM   #11
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
yes thats the older version, true 8 bit.
but you should really consider yourself buying the DMG gameboy for recording the sound with it (around 5 bucks on fleamarkets) that thing sounds fuller and the bass goes deeper. I think somewhere on the site it says the same, and its true.

no you cant export the loops, only if you got one of these ultra rare bung exchangers (which are the devices where you can rip your games to rom images and stuff) but the cartridge got a really really huge flash memory where you can save all your settings, loops and songs (loopsequences)

and I can promise you that the interface is simple like fuck, yes it looks complicated but I would say you got a learning curve of an hour or something. do you got already some experience with sequencing? like on software, real synths etc.?