I don't think I've really heard him mentioned here a whole lot, but I'm sure some of you are familiar with this fantastic musician.
Kirk was a multi-instrumentalist jazz musician who went blind at a young age. Not only was he great, but the bands he played with were awesome as well.....some real sick moments.
I first heard of him from a buddy of mine has the VHS of his performance from the 1972 Montreaux Jazz Festival....def. try and hunt it down if you are a fan of Kirk, it rules. It's fucking classic when he starts dishing out coke to the audience from his little pouch that he has on him. A couple of the vids I'm going to post are from that performance.
A nice introduction to Kirk
Seasons - Montreaux 1972
Serenade to a Cuckoo - Montreaux 1972
Awesome clip from some tv show....def. check out the last 30 seconds
But yeah, hopefully y'all will bust out some of his stuff or hunt some down!!
"Never say goodbye!! Never say goodbye!!"