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Old 08.24.2008, 06:02 PM   #435
al shabbray
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by SYRFox
Ahah, not now. Actually, 3/4 of one of my tooth fell a few months ago, so I had to "devitalize" it - it was the worst pain I ever felt, ever, even when I fell on a marble stair and could have broke my head it wasn't so painful -, but now it's done, the dentist actually put some kinds of iron stems in it without anesthesia last time and I felt absolutely no pain.
I'm going yesterday for a tooth decay though

I know that. one year ago I was a whole weekend in total pain because of that. but there was one thing that lowers the pain even if nothing else helps. vodka, not drinkin! just put it in your mouth and keep it in there, try to flush it around the hurting tooth. it just works for some minutes, and then you have to do it again, but these minutes can be haeven when it comes to toothache