this is not the best poster, but i loved this movie-- saw it on the big screen yesterday and i really enjoyed it. of course when you go see an "epic" movie you don't expect godard, and this wasn't, but it was just a great 2 hours. beautifully shot and great plot and all that-- even if you know what will happen. there were a couple of new-agey moments of "magic" that one is willing to forget because it wasnt like "trust the fungus", but the violence, brutality, etc, are all there... as well as the strategy & cunning & brilliance & all that stuff. the guy's wife was a total babe (i like them like mongol women) which added eye candy to the equation.
anyway bitches, if you are tired of the hollywood trap & disappointed with this season's movie offerings, and pansy pretty boys playing macho "hero" parts, go see this, it's hard fucking core, you'll like it.