It feels as if someone has built a toy-factory in my head while I've been asleep.
It also feels like my tongue is wearing a sock... I'm ill, probably hayfever.
I need to ring-up work and tell them I'm not coming in (afternoon shift) because I'm ill. But I'm not sure what to do:
a) Ring them and speak in my natural voice. It doesn't sound any different to normal which could make them suspicious (they're always unfairly suspicious).
b) Ring them and speak in a caricature 'ill voice'. If it works, then it will be the best option. If they notice that I'm putting on this voice - which I am - they will think that I'm faking being ill - which technically I'm not.
c) Don't turn up and get sacked. Spend the rest of my lifetime posting self-indulgent threads on here.
What do others do in this situation?