Thread: Shipwrecked
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Old 06.18.2008, 07:19 AM   #6
Posts: n/a
Josh Rivers

Josh, 21, is a quick- witted, outgoing student…

Home: London
Job: Student/waiter
Star Sign: Aries
Relationship Status: Single
Luxury Item: Face paints
  • Josh is gay, outgoing and friendly- he mixes well with all types of people.
  • He travelled all over America when he was young as his dad was in the army.
  • Currently studying at the London college of fashion, Josh wants to be a fashion buyer.
How would your friends describe you?
I think my friends would say I’m amazing, really gay and really funny.

Why did you want to be Shipwrecked?
I just want to do something a bit different. You get to a point where you feel your life is a bit samey-samey and I want something to jazz it up. And I *really* want a hot holiday.

What were you doing before arriving on the island?
Working and partying and sometimes simultaneously.

What did your friends and family think of you doing it?
My best friend was climbing up the walls with excitement, and my mum couldn’t stop saying, “my little boy’s gonna be on the telly!”

What will you miss the most in your time away?
Probably food and my best friends … and Beyonce. It’s going to kill me not knowing what Beyonce’s up to.

What type of person would you hate to be Shipwrecked with?
Probably someone who doesn’t grasp the importance of respect and who doesn’t know how to have fun. Or a straight guy who is constantly worried I might try to try it on with him.

Before being shipwrecked what was the longest time you had been away from home?
It depends on which home I consider. I’ve been away from my American family for two years! But I see my mom all the time.

What are you hoping to achieve from this experience?
I don’t really have any expectations. I’ve not really seen the show before so I’m not even sure what the islands look like! I just want to walk away from this experience thinking, “WICKED!” I’m sure that some sort of lesson will come to fruition during the experience.

What's your worst habit?
I’m sure I don’t have any bad habits?

What will you bring to the island?
Well … besides an amazing personality and comedic genius, I really think I’ll make an impression on the people out there. Whether it’s my zest for life, or my sensibility, or the fact that I can be gay as a daisy, something about me will impress and wow. That’s just what I do.

He's American, actually. I too want to be as gay as daisy on a shipwrecked island.