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Old 06.17.2008, 07:47 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Imagine the world of music if it was ever so accepting of musicians getting involved into any sort of sound wizardy/malarkey, with top ten charts filled with any sort of strange noises and the press encouraging extreme-sounding music like there was no future.

The man would be knocking on your door at the very first signs of you playing an instrument to persuade you to sign million buck contracts, virgins would be offered to you on an altar decorated by pure decadence, and the finest drugs were produced by your own personal butler right in front of your eyes. On a tray made of gold.

All this while the celebrity system around you retained the same type of ultra-cynical approach that it has these days, which would mean that you'd be constantly harassed by the media, with reports/uploads of videos involving you engaged in depraved sex acts and end of the world antics appearing on anything from tv listings magazines to the more local press.

Would you still bend for the man at the first sign of an interest in your services or would you hold back and grow artistically in a more dignified way?
