I think khchris(original) has made a very valid observation there; and I especially agree with the experimental part. I think SY have morphed into the greatest rock band alive. The greatest. Not an experimental band. A ROCK band. And I believe they've been moving in this direction consciously for some time now, ever since DDN probably... But; right up until Sonic Nurse; they've somewhat abandoned this approach and explored a softer, mellow sound that's somewhat ambient and textural in approach; less of their rock-star-meets-trasher-noisemaker music than in their pre-DGC days. I tend to agree with khchris(original)'s stance that it started with A Thousand Leaves. Rather Ripped is more of a return to their
rock band approach that has been somewhat absent right up until Sonic Nurse, though that album had a somewhat rock groove feel to it. Well, just my two cents, thanks for reading. And I love A Thousand Leaves by the way...