Yeah, if it's an infection - see a doctor.
You should know yr own immune system. Is it capable of fighting this off?
Delving into my woggy background* we have a bunch of ol' skool cures/reliefs..... which are probably shit, but here they are:
1. Honey is good. Shit loads of sweetness, glides down the throat (floating slowly had better not edit that into something dirty!)
2. Throat nasties are related to vampires. Go the garlic. Also Ginger.
3. Gargle very warm salty water then spit. (I mean it, floaty!)
4. Alcohol. This is ultra ol' skool. But it has to be moonshine (ie: grappa, raykija or something really pure). Drinking it (not to excess) will deaden the throat, but it's also good as a chest rub. That's right, rub it on your chest and throat (and back, I think my mum said also) and then goto bed.
I've been lucky in that I haven't had a bad throat bug in ages. I'm serious about the garlic and I also do fresh pineapple juice and usually outsleep my cat. Sleep is good.
*In Aus, non-anglo Europeans are referred to as 'Wogs'. We call anglos "Skips" as in 'Skippy the Bush Kangaroo'