He's not being a dick, he's right...
Anyway, this album didn't do anything for me, I thought it was nonsense that didn't go anywhere and didn't have any substance whatsoever. I listened to it twice. Mindless drivel. Like a really, really bad Volcano the Bear wannabe with shit production. It was just like... nothing. Skittering, glooping electronic farts and trash drum raveups to nowhere. I don't get the appeal at all. Just completely unappealing. I'm sure if I listen closely, I can hear some interesting shapes in the random noises but it just sounded like a jumbled mess of... nothing. You might be able to almost pretend to like it if you like "psychadelic folk FREAK FOLK new weird america folk", but I just didn't see a single thing good about it. I'M GLAD PEOPLE CAN FIND SOMETHING GOOD TO LIKE ABOUT IT -- I just personally thinks it goes nowhere and does nothing. Interesting from an aesthetic standpoint and probably cool if you're on drugs, but that's about it.
I am curious about their other releases, as a lot of intelligent, nice people seem to like them and I guess this release was more of the producer's vision than the band's... but yeah... this release I thought was quite shit. Sorry.