Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I can't get into this for some reason, sucker for the Japanese though I am.
Too much naive pop action for me.
I love the name though!
Though I'm generally repulsed by bands of the 'naive pop' persuasion, I have a hard time associating Maher Shalal Hash Baz with the rest of those artists. To me stuff like Beat Happening and whatever other bands fall under that category seem really self concious in their naivete. It comes across more like a gimmick to cover up for their lack of talent. But Tori Kudo is different. He is genuine and sincere, and I think it comes through in the beauty of his music.
btw... tori kudo's wife reiko has released some great music on her own.

Yoru No Ine - Reiko Kudo. Highly recommended for fans of Blues de Jour