AIDS Wolf, Ruins, Melt Banana, Athletic Automaton, and Flying Luttenbachers. Maybe. in that order.
I enjoy Lake of Dracula and you fantastic!, I'd probably like PRE if I heard more of them.
Koenjihyakkei I have one album of. It reminds me of the original Star Trek music to the extreme

Others mentioned I either still haven't heard or weren't memorable. I have one cd by each Mount Shasta, Space Streakings, and Dazzling Killmen, and can recall the style of each, but not a specific song.
I bought Strangulated Beatoffs, but haven't had a chance to use the record player.
AIDS Wolf and Ruins are also the only I've seen live.
I don't find AIDS Wolf 'noise'-y at all. They make usual songs. Just weird sounding ones.