Originally Posted by atsonicpark
None. Not meaning to piss on your thread, but I'm not naive enough to think that tons of people don't have the same exact tastes as me. If I ever thought I liked something obscure, people on here like batreleaser and everyneurotic have proven to me that there are tons of people into most of same things that I am.
Maybe I just don't understand the question, but none of the bands listed on here are shocking at all in how well-liked they are...
Also, I like Afghan Whig's "gentleman" quite a bit.
As for how I discover music, I honestly couldn't tell you. People download off of me on soulseek and I randomly download albums off of them in return. That's usually the way.
Not to piss on your reply, but I think you are right, you don't understand my question.
It's not a matter of people having the same taste or of it being shocking that other people like it, at least objectively speaking. You can have similar taste as somebody else and still find something they have never heard of. With these bands that is what I
thought I had done, only to find out that a lot of people know about them, and they are quite popular. Sure, you don't find it shocking that these bands are well-liked, and neither do I. But when I found out about them, liked or not, I had no clue so many people
knew about them. I only brought it up because I've known this to happen to quite a few people.