yeah, i'll second (seventh?) the health citation. the only essential nutrient endemic to meat products is b12, and that can be found in any multivitamin. any other nutrient (notably protein) can be found in other sources such as cheese, beans, soy, etc. there are a number of medical organizations that recommend a vegetarian diet on the grounds that it helps one to reduce weight (admittedly i am a tad underweight -- 5'8" and around 135# -- but no matter).
also the longer i go as a vegetarian the more averse i am to anything surrounding meat products. i occasionally have to spray air freshener around any such product that has been cooked by my mom (much to her enragement, for whatever reason). i dunno, it just seems such a primordial diet -- i've always imagined that any advanced alien civilization that came here to visit would find our practice of systematically raising and killing animals for food somewhat unsettling (barring their own carnivorous physiological requirements).
finally, i never really liked meat anyway . . . i could deal with it before i changed over but it was certainly not the absolute favorite part of my diet by any means.