Yeah, I think that demanding humane (whatever that means to you) treatment in slaughterhouses would go along way in making people feel more comfortable eating meat.
In the article that sparked this, Scruton talks about slaughterhouses and makes some facile comments about the treatment of anmials. I think he kind of passes over this argument. Personally, I don't really know much about conditions for animals. I assume that many are treated well, while some aren't. The treatment of animals as just commercial products is a little sickening, I agree. We should have more reverance for them and take better care of them, and then eat them......This is basically what he's saying.
For the record, this Scruton guy can be sort of an ass. His conservative viewpoint on lots of things tends towards the ridiculous and curmudgeonly. I have a book by him on the aesthetics of music and his comments on pop-rock music are some of the silliest I've ever read.
The article I read is called "A Carnivore’s Credo" and I read it in the May Harper's Magazine.