it seems that the blues, the blueprint for all popular music that followed, is a style of music rarely talked about on here. ill start this with a simple questions; who is/are your favorite blues artist(s)???
for me its gotta be robert johnson and howlin wolf. i know these are both obvious choices, but i think in a genre like the blues, usually the more popular bluesmen were the best. ive always dug robert johnson since i was a little kid, and my dad, who is a blues/early rock n roll fanatic, played for me in the car and told me the ol' story of robert johnson making a deal with the devil to play the ol guitar. ive been fascinated with his music ever since, and there was definitley a mystique surrouding his music and lyrics and voice which is hard to find in art of any type. king of the delta blues is fucking perfect. i love howlin wolf on the other hand because he to me was the most 'punk' bluesman. he wasnt a highly technically proficient player, but he made up for that in sheer intensity, he also has a minimalistic style that has been copied by fuck knows how many musicians. howlin wolf is also the BEST music to listen to when youre sad and u wanna drink, alone.
listen to pink reason