Let's see...
La Cravate - Great early short mime film.
Fando Y Lis - Brilliant! Blew my mind. This is probably his only film I don't "understand" in any way, but the imagery is just amazing.
El Topo - I just listed this as my second favorite film of all time. A more personal film than Holy Mountain and I think better (though not TECHNICALLY better, if you know what I mean)... Just amazing. Blew my mind 100 times.
Holy Mountain - An impressive technical achievement, changed my mind about many things. I've owned 3 bootlegs of this of varying quality before seeing the Anchor Bay release and having it blow my mind again. I'm usually the one to go, "a film's a film, I don't care what format it's in" but you HAVE TO see Holy Mountain the restored DVD, because the colors of that film are just unbelievable.. jesus... Also, the reason why the film isn't widely known as because of Jodorowsky's battle with Alan Klein. I think if that hadn't have happened, this film would be a lot more well-known and perhaps been show on IFC, sure...
Tusk - Saw this a few years ago on a crappy bootleg. It's interesting, pretty straightforward, with lots and lots of cast members and some interesting direction. Worth seeking out more as a curiosity.
Never saw Rainbow Thief. Don't need to, I guess...
Santa Sangre - I have this on a cool bootleg I got from a convention in Florida last year (I got Begotten at the same convention -- good times!). Only watched it twice. Not as brilliant as his earlier films but still loaded with some interesting images...
Jodorowsky can make a 2 hour film go by in seconds. To me, he has talent that is unmatched in direction, sound, editing, dialogue, etc. He conveys so much with so little, yet he makes a million dollars look like $10,000,000 (see Holy Mountain). The mysticism prevalent in his work is also a very interesting touch: it seems as if he has been touched by some divine power. The last third of Holy Mountain is, basically, an unscripted documentary. Even the cast and crew didn't know about the ending. So much was based on fate and chance.....
Just fucking brilliant. I wish he had made more movies, because to me he makes Lynch (who I love), Cronenberg, Tsukamoto, and any other filmmaker look silly in comparison.
A genius. I work with a dude who looks exactly like him, by the way.