Originally Posted by atari 2600
I do agree that "real fans" own the official merchandise, and I agree that many people these days unfortunately aren't bothering to buy official releases and merchandise and that it is a problem.
But "real fans" of a band have always been bootleg enthusiasts too. It seems to me that you like to bring down the same catch-all indictment any chance you get.
In my case, I used to have the VHS tapes for Goo, Punk Broke, and Screaming Fields, but they were all stolen from me in the nineties.
Since then, I've gotten digital copies for Punk Broke and, being such a big fan, I even complied my own Screaming Fields fascilmile using youtube and keepvid pending the eventual release of the dvd(s). As far as I know, no one has ever torrented a VHS transfer of Sceaming Fields or has ever put it up as a link share.
And a digital copy also helps in preserving the original vhs tapes...and it's also more "comfy" to skip to different chapters/songs without having to ffwd+stop+play etc

yeah sometimes I'm THAT lazy... I have screaming fields, gila monster, goo videos, the year punk broke on original vhs, but I do watch them almost only in digital format nowadays...