Originally Posted by truncated
On another note, you'll get a million responses, but it all depends on your personal taste. What kind of plotlines get you wet? Are you sci-fi, romance, 'post-modern' (I hate that term, for the record), fantasy, horror, biography, etc.?
Not that I can recommend anything. I maintain my vacuity and illiteracy. They are my only attractive features.
I don't know. I know I don't like sci-fi. Well, I don't like the typical sci-fi with tons of ships and aliens and stuff, but if it were closer to E.T. than Star Trek I could be more interested I guess. I just like a good novel, Catcher-In-The-Rye style. Coming of age stories? Maybe; I'm bad with labeling things. I do like non-fiction too. Especially stuff on psychology and stuff. I remember reading "Awakenings" a while back (only because I remember the movie from when I was little) and loved that. Also read a book about the history of the number zero, which was actually very interesting.
What a long winded way to say "I don't know."