...because I know nothing about books. Every now and then I get lucky and find something good, but usually any book I find is so boring that I can't even finish it. I have good taste, I just don't know where to look. It's like going to Chicago and ordering Papa John's cause you don't know the numbers for any good pizza place. But I tried a little harder than usual this time and I picked these up at the library:
The Unbinding - Walter Kirn
Tough Luck - Jason Starr
Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller
Post Office - Charles Bukowski
Good choices? I don't know; the last two I picked because I've heard good things about the authors, the first one because it was written by the same author as thumbsucker, and Touch Luck? Just picked it up, I have no clue about it. I hope though that if I just keep following the trail of good books (assuming I am close) I'll get more and more refined in my reading choices.
"She hated people who thought too much.
At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate
representative for almost all mankind." - Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle