this is moik. some of you may remember me from the 90's when i used to run a sonic youth website called evol.org.
anyway - my imac died and i am selling some of my sy vinyl on ebay to raise enough for a new one. i have all these records and i don't even have a turntable. i've never played them.
this includes a never played vinyl copy of a thousand leaves that has my web page (evol.org) on the cover and a note from steve shelley inside. also an sy / hole split seven inch, an sy / nirvana seven inch, and several more.
also - I have a couple of posters that were signed by the entire band. these are extra ones that have been in my closet for ten years. check them out if you are interested:
so what happened to evol.org?
well to be honest i was spending a lot of time on that and also working on a novel. one day i got on a scale and realized i was 285 pounds! that was winter 1999. I decided that if i didn't do something i'd weigh 300 lbs by summer so i started running, working out etc, and have done ten marathons since then. and i read the novel and realized it was only interesting to me - and just barely!
meanwhile, while i was temporarily away from evol.org (and not for very long), my ISP (magick.net) somehow lost my entire site. it just disappeared. then i wasn;t quick enough to renew my registration for the domain name and some company that steals late registered domain names now owns evol.org.
but that is okay -
this site is way better and evol.org was a lot of fun while i did it. i am still a huge sonic youth fan and now i am addicted to last.fm.
i am on last.fm as, what else, moik!
but anyway - don't hesitate to checkout my sy vinyl sale. here it is again:
note to webmasters of sonicyouth.com:
i still have all the content from evol.org if you want it. i know it is archived here and there but i do have a lot of files including pictures of the gear shortly before it was stolen.