Thread: R.E.M.
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Old 01.09.2008, 03:07 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
My grandma died from cancer. It was probably the biggest loss to me, and it completely ruined my mind for a good year when I was 14. I'm simply stating: He looks like a cancer patient. If he had scabs on his arm, I'd simply state: He looks like a heroin addict! You know, it's all in good HUMOR.

I think people on this board take shit I say way too seriously, hence why a handful of people refer to me as an asshole. When you actually examine the things I'm posting, they're either simple facts, jokes, or completely serious music critique. I respect people's opinions even when I disagree with them. And, also, just for fun: I was also sexually molested and beaten as a child. I'll still joke around about it. Who cares? It's in the past. Shit like that happens. Why are people so touchy about stuff like that? Lighten up. Does that make me fucked up that I just don't care that someone in my life FUCKED ME IN THE ASS as a child? I don't even hate the person! I forgave them! It didn't really fuck me up in any way, since my memory of it is kind of blurry. I just felt like it's something that happened and perhaps I'm nicer to people now or something, I dunno, I just don't care. I don't care about the shit that I've witnessed in my life. We all have to deal with fucked-up things, it doesn't make me any more or less human. For example, I know a chick who gave a guy she didn't like a blowjob cuz she felt like she "had to" (she wasn't raped, she did it by choice) and now she can't watch any films with rape in it cuz it reminds her of that time -- or some such nonsense. I mean, okay, sure, fair enough, if it REALLY bothers her, that's fine, but I'm just not like that. I'm not some touchy person that gets offended when you insult my mom or something. It's not because I don't love her, I just respect that people have different opinions than me, so whatever. And I will freely tell you about shit that happened to me and still joke about it, because what's the fucking point of being miserable your whole life over shit like that?

So, anyway, if anyone here thinks I'm an asshole, I'm cool with that, I'm not mad at anyone or anything, I think internet feuding is all pretty damn silly, but I actually post with the best of intentions and it's never my idea to spam/flame/piss on people's threads in any way. I simply state an opinion. I don't think I'm above anyone here, I don't think I necasarilly (how the fuck do you spell that word?) have better tastes than anyone, I just think a lot of people here haven't discovered certain bands or whatever yet, so I try to turn them onto things. It's me being nice, not me imposing my tastes upon people. I'm not a musical elitist, I'm more of a musical dork. Anyone who brags about their music collection is a fucking loser, anyway; you'll NEVER complete that collection, so what's the point? I am fairly knowledgable of music, since it consumes almost every part of my waking and dreaming state, so if I seem fairly opinionated it's probably because.. I know what I'm talking about.. USUALLY. So, yeah, I try to do everything I can on here as nicely as possible, I just tend to disagree with certain people a LOT. Sorry if that offends people. And in real life, I help old ladies across the street and donate to charity all the time even though I don't even have that much money. No shit. I'm not trying to convince people otherwise about me, you think what you think, but I'm merely stating: I think people judge people too much based upon their opinions, and.. well, I guess you all can't come and hang out with me in real life or anything but... I've done a lot more good for the people on here than anything bad I've posted in my posts.

Sorry for ranting, but I figured I might as well post my statement of vindication on some obscure R.E.M. thread where everyone will overlook my thoughts and beliefs. Take care!
Right on man, fair enough points. Sorry about your grandma and any weird misery of your childhood. Keep rockin'.
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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