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Old 12.24.2007, 10:39 PM   #1
Sheriff Rhys Chatham
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Sheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's assesSheriff Rhys Chatham kicks all y'all's asses
So As most of you know I play guitar but I'm left handed so it makes for hard selection when it comes to cheap guitars. The guitar I've got now is a left-handed gibson epiphone but I've also got an acoustic which is right-handed and I play it upside down, high-E on top. For some reason I find it easier to form chords. So I was thinking about taking my lefty body and putting a right-handed neck on it so that I will have half lefty and half righty. It'll be like playing a right-handed guitar but I wont have any knobs or anything in the way of my strumming hand. I don't know just seems like it might be neat.
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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