Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
5Agent1, I believe that requires what Noam Chomsky calls "tactical voting" - if you're in a safe state, which you are, organise or at least vote for independents and/or third-parties (at all levels of course, not just federal), this builds up support, increases awareness, provides access to public financing, all of which hopefully get some representatives elected; in a 'battle ground' state...well 'cause it's a shitty system I guess you're stuck with The Less Extreme Faction of the Business Party  .
awo, awo, ena awo (Yes, yes and yes!)
of course, lets be honest. indy and other third party only are effective in the local and state levels. and the whole, I guess you're stuck with idea is exactly what fucked up the world to begin with. remember you are only stuck with government which you support, and it is your popular support that becomes their sovereign mandate. we empower them with our own apathy and lethargy and abdication...