Originally Posted by jetengine
No, no, no. They begun a record that would have taken its place between the official first and second albums. The five tracks I listed above comprised the initial demo, collected on the box set. Apparently, the project was abandoned for unclear reasons.
The fourth album is contained on VU, with the exceptions of 'Sad Song' (earlier version than the one recorded for Loaded, by some accounts), 'Stephanie Says' (later version recorded after Cale left), and 'Lonesome Cowboys' (unreleased). This is according to Maureen Tucker, by the way, as quoted in Up-tight: The Velvet Underground Story by Victor Bockris and Gerard Malanga (essential book for Velvet fans!--rarely has there been a rock bio that contains so much vital info in so few pages).
In terms of source tapes, Another View is all over the place.
I'll double-check on Uptight again, because I still don't remember anything about a second album that was abandoned as such, not certainly in terms of it being a major project. Another View is more of the same but with less material to fill a whole record, and it does contain songs from the shelved fourth album. Still, at the time it came out, I was overjoyed with being able to get more unreleased VU material, so that's a good thing, after all.