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Old 12.10.2007, 09:20 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by k-krack
I have only heard one Cale solo tune on an Uncut magazine cd haha. And I've onlyheard Metal Machine Music, which is actually fucking awesome, so textural and eerily beautiful... but I know that's not his 'norm'.
But I mean... Loaded is a fucking wicked album, consistently incredible songs, and Cale wasn't on that album.

But I love what Cale brought to the band, anyway... I wouldn't say all the experimental bits, because Lou made the damn Ostrich guitar, did he not?! But I would probably agree with what batreleaser said, John is a batter composer, but Lou is the songwriter and conceptualist, man.

There is no texture in Metal Machine Music at all. It's all pedal-controlled feedback coming from some amplifiers, but yes, it still sounds pretty good. Good point about the Ostrich guitar, which allowed Reed to explore one-note playing and attracted Cale, amongst other things.
To be honest, if it came down to the solo work of any member of the Velvet Underground, Nico made most of the albums that resonate with me more than any other, and even Maureen Tucker's solo albums are much better than some of the rubbish that both Reed and Cale produced over the years. Cale I prefer to Reed simply for introducing me to a different musical world that Lou Reed could have not, and he also produced and played on much of Nico's best work, so there. Much underated is Sterling Morrison's guitar-playing, which personally I find just as good as Reed's, but less of a show-off. They all made their own contribution, in one way or another.