Sorry you're wrong and I'm right. I love how even the new Batman Director said he didn't want to remake it because of how perfect Nicholson was as the spontaneously violent Joker. Then WHY DID YOU?? If you want to talk about staying true to the comics, than joker would've just been the Red Hood. The scarred criminal with the Red Hood over his head was what he originally was. Don't give me that staying true to the original comics garbage. Batman Begins was not based on Bob Kane.
God it didn't NEED to be explained, the movie took place after the fact. Specially the scene where Batman is hand carving the metal newly designed Xtreme batsymbol. Fucking bull, blasphemy, shit sandwich. Batman yells and screams, the xtreme batmobile was a shit sandwich, scarecrow was in the film less than 3 minutes, the dude was a copy of eckhart ( it was not a homage, just a ripoff ), the backstory was boring, and uninteresting, the scene with bruce waynes parents being killed in Batman was WAY darker than in begins which was just a halfassed copy of that scene to start with. I WIN I WIN I WIN!!