"Tim Burton's Batman is the darkest Batman movie ever made, much more than Begins."
Bruce wayne in Batman89 was a joke
"Like for example, the mob bosses sidekick guy who is eating the falaffel is completely taken from Lt. Eckhart from the 1st batman movie."
wasnt that Detectiv Flass the corrupt cop? have you not heard of a homage?
"very unbatman. In Batman he says " I'm Batman. Hold on. How much do you weigh? And Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? "
you cant compare batman begins to batman 89 when trying to say whats the better batman, you have to compare them to the original source..the comics
"I just don't want to see the Joker redone is all. It was a flawless job in the original, and there is no way it's going to be even close to as good. The only thing Begins had going for it is they did a great job with Scarecrow, but he was only in 2 fucking scenes. Unforgivable"
Jack nick just played Jack nick in joker make up,(a fat old man..thats not who the joker is) it wasnt that amazing really. The only thing Batman89 had going for it was the joker..they had batman but was only in 2 or 3 fucking scenes.