Sorry you are just not going to be able to sell me on that. Tim Burton's Batman is the darkest Batman movie ever made, much more than Begins. Begins had tons of various elements of the first two batman movies stitched into it. Like for example, the mob bosses sidekick guy who is eating the falaffel is
completely taken from Lt. Eckhart from the 1st batman movie. They based his clothes, his apperance, the things he said, EVERYTHING on Lt. Eckhart. Also Batman talks WAYYY too much in Begins. He yells and shouts and has alot to say, very
unbatman. In Batman he says "
I'm Batman.
Hold on. How much do you weigh? And
Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight? " That's IT, much darker, much better, he doesn't scream and yell, perfect. Stating the fact that Nicholson dances to Prince in that one scene doesn't disrespect the movie one bit, that's the only scene of it's type in that film. And Prince and Elfman were perfect for the score, couldn't imagine that movie without Prince.
I just don't want to see the Joker redone is all. It was a flawless job in the original, and there is no way it's going to be as good or even close. The only thing Begins had going for it is they did a great job with Scarecrow, but he was only in 2 fucking scenes. Unforgivable
Also this
I mean, I pick up all kinds of shit for it but I can't help it,
I hate Batman Begins for a reason. Just the way I feel. C'mon, I'm not the only one. Someone please agree with me