Basically I agree wholeheartedly with umjammer atomsk, except that I really love SH 3's overall presentation. The lack of character development I think is quite apparent, but still, compared to RE, it's miles ahead. I wanted to post this because I'm currently playing SH3 and I just was really curious about the creators' influences. They are quite studied, ranging from the movie Jacob's Ladder (which was effin' awesome), Twin Peaks (also awesome) and Stephen King's The Mist (which I think is horror writing exemplified). And, coincedentally, some of the creators apparently loved Sonic Youth so much, they included the names of the band members as a puzzle in the first game. So, I guess I wanted to know if any SY fans were into SH

And disturbing is quite succint. There is a certain aura of unease when you enter a darkened room and a mannequin with a dress stands alone in the center, with a pocketlight shining from it. And the monsters are an exercise in twisted creativity. For anyone who hasn't played the games, please do. You'll find it quite unlike anything else. And they have it for PC too, so you don't have to have a PlayStation.
