Originally Posted by !@#$%!
of course i am going to be patronizing when you refuse to acknowledge the existence of my rebuttal to your ideal "if" scenario. disagree all you want, but acknowledge the answer.
if you didn't understand it the first time, i'll spell it out clearly: your ideal scenario is a load of crap, it doen't exist, people are not treated equally, and therefore countermeasures are required. of course val-holla-ing said that better, with more humor and without being patronizing, but he's a lot nicer than i am. i'm just an equal-opportunity asshole.
Firstly there was no "if" in what I said
I actually said "it works here" and it does
What you fail to understand is that every race, creed and colour has its own extremists who advocate discrimination
There is no group or society that I can think of that doesnt have its own brand of bigotry
Therefore no society is every going to eradicate discrimination totally
Its how we deal with it that counts
The UK has some of the best anti discrimination laws in the world, some of the best safeguards too
The overwhelming majority of people can apply for jobs and not have to worry about there origins or beliefs
The system isnt perfect, but it works
And this is in a country where a couple of our major cities now have over 50% of their population from ethnic minorities
So much for my "crap" actuality and than your "imaginary" scenario
Next time try actually reading what I type
The majority of it is in words of one syllable, primarily for your benefit
Oh, and try taking that bag of King Edwards off your shoulder sometime
People might actually give a shit what you think then